• Systems Check Focus: Konnect3D provided a focused environment for conducting thorough systems checks, ensuring that every component was tested and validated efficiently during the testing phase.
• Document P&ID Access: The platform offered immediate access to P&ID documents with full traceability, allowing for a transparent view of the fabrication and installation history of each component.
• Advanced Features: With features like Filters, Take Off Manager, and Work Package, Konnect3D streamlined the planning and execution of tasks. The collaboration tool further enhanced the process by allowing for easy markups and task assignments.
• Efficient Testing Phase: Konnect3D’s platform facilitated a smooth testing phase for Marjan Package 4, with efficient line checks and hydrotests conducted.
• Transparent Documentation: Access to P&ID documents with full traceability ensured that the team had all the necessary information at their fingertips, leading to informed decision-making.
• Collaborative Success: The collaboration tool provided by Konnect3D allowed for efficient task assignments and markups, fostering a collaborative environment that was pivotal for the success of the testing phase.